Wednesday, May 3, 2017

EU- Fourth Reich

Fourth Reich implies forever German empire, which will occur after third-Reich - Hitler's Reich. We will consider a multitude of evidence that will lead us to the answer to the question whether the Fourth Reich started?

The report red house
A report of the American military and intelligence agencies, EW-Pa 128 (report red house), which is now available on the Internet, shows in the title of the document that the Nazi bankers and industrialists planned flow of capital in the neutral countries of that time. To quote the words of SS commander, Dr. Scheid, who at a meeting of bankers on August 10, 1944 says the following:

SS division feature
"German businessmen must realize that the war is lost and that steps must be taken for the post-war period. Each industrialist must acquire contacts with powerful companies of foreign countries, but it must be done individually and without attracting suspicion."
Further in the report reveal that the Nazi party financed before the end of the war, industrialists so that each of them founded the post-war foundation in foreign countries, in order to restore a strong German empire after the defeat. On this occasion, ordered that each company establish small bureaus, which will be seemingly totally independent from its parent company in order to receive new plans and blueprints for making weapons and promotion techniques.

Since then, German companies are starting to buy land and to shift capital in a neutral country. The largest transfer of capital is done through two banks: "Basler Handelsbank" and "Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Zurich". In this report specifically mentions the Krupp company to openly supported Hitler. Their former manager was in a meeting of bankers and obeyed every command Dr. Scheid. Today, doing business under the name "Thyssen Krupp AG" and contains over 670 international small companies. This company is the best example of the realization of the plan then.

The birth of the European Union 

The idea of ​​creating a single European market and a common currency came from Bildberg group in 1955. One of the founders of the group is Prince Bernhard is an SS officer. Coincidence? But the origin of the EU dates back to 1940 onwards relating to when the German Minister of Economy Funk, published the book "The European Community" in which the necessity of creation of an economic community in Europe. Interestingly, 1957 is formulated by the European Community under the same name, which was the forerunner of today's European Union.
Nazi flag

The Nazis killed people who opposed the Third Reich, and the Union has found a more modern way to clog the mouth of everyone who speaks against this creation. In 1999, the European Court of Justice found that it is illegal  to criticize the EU and that the court is working to legally prohibit any nationalist party. Although it presents itself as the bearer of all forms of freedom, the Union still prohibits freedom of speech. Only one thing had not counted - on Internet. Internet is responsible for finding true texts of this Nazi creation, is responsible for reading this text.

In order to delineate some things we need to further clarify that for modern European politicians we can not say that they are Nazis, but it is at its core EU totalitarian, not democratic because the centralized government.

Emperor's New Clothes

Many companies, which collaborated with the Nazi Party, now operating under new names, new administrations, the new "suits", and some are not so bothered. One example is the "Hugo Boss". Owner of the company is a party member. The company she made SS uniforms, and uniforms of other military units. So they have jobs, they had to bring detainees from Polish and France that made these uniforms. Ironic, is not it?

A similar case is with Volkswagen. The founder of this company, Ferdinand Porsche had a direct relationship with Himmler, SS leaders. In 1934, the Porsche met personally with Hitler, who had suggested the name for the series of car-volkswagen beetle. Every fifth employee at Volkswagen in Germany was a prisoner and that of Auschwitz.

Bayer-pharmaceuticals, chemical giant

Chemical giant
During the Holocaust, IG Farben, the company that sold gas to the Nazis to kill Jews in concentration camps. After World War II, the company was officially closed, but her branch has survived. It is Bayer, which is known for aspirin, whose inventor Artur Eichengrun-Jew, as the company is not allowed to disclose, but today paid Felix Hoffman, Arians, for aspirin. In 2010 the company had revenues of $ 35 billion. This firm is a textbook example of the fulfillment of the Nazi plan.

Siemens is the largest multinational company in Europe. She has recorded the highest economic growth after the war. During the Holocaust, the company also used the prisoners and built the gas chambers in which they will be murdered their families and friends.

Henry Ford, founder of Ford, the 1938 received a Nazi medal for distinguished foreigners. It was an open anti-Semite and produce vehicles for the Nazis.

Chase Bank

Chase bank
Chase Bank is just one of many banks that collaborated with the Nazis. The Bank has operated in Switzerland and was executed by the Nazi transfers, but also froze Jewish accounts and thus prevented the Jews to escape from Germany in neutral countries and signed their death.

Random House Publishing, the publishing company, is the first published Nazi propaganda in his book "Sterilization and euthanasia". 1997 issued by the dictionary in which the word Nazi is defined as a person who is "fanatically devoted to a specific activity." Then we're all Nazis. Anti-defemation league is for this vocabulary indicate that the publishing house "trivializes and denies all the crimes committed" and that "he wants to present the Nazis as not so bad people."

Germany in the European Union
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
We are all aware that Germany is economically the most powerful country of the European Union and that, as such, holds in his hand all the weaker countries. Germany has the lowest rate of inflation and unemployment. Germany GDP is 3.7 trillion euros and France 2.8 trillion (if you do not know, a trillion has 13 zeros). Clean to compare the GDP of Greece is 250 billion dollars, while Greece is in charge even more than its GDP. Therefore, Germany via the IMF holds in his hand is not only Greece, but also Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal or the countries which are not members of the Union are also dependent on Germany and the policy led by Angela Merkel.

 For all links to Nazism, Angela Merkel called the daughter of Hitler. Now, she wants a fourth term. We look forward to prevent and thwart the plans of the Nazis to the Fourth Reich. We must resist this economic abuse by Germany

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